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We know boats and boating. 

Both founders, Robert and James, are boaters and have spent most of their lives on the water. James has been a USCG licensed captain, 50 tons, for 20 years. They spend a considerable amount of time, all year long, on boats and around the water. Owning a boat can be a very exciting and enjoyable experience. Days on the water are often filled with fun with family and friends. However, there are financial considerations for boaters to consider. We know those considerations very well.

We know the unique considerations of boat ownership.

Boats, while fun, come with many considerations for ownership. What will it cost to maintain? How much fuel will I use? Is boat insurance expensive? Are some boats more “user-friendly” than others? What are some upgrades worth considering? What do marinas typically charge? These are all common questions prospective boat owners, and even those looking to upgrade their current vessel, all have. Robert and James have faced many of these decisions themselves.

We want you to enjoy your boat and feel secure, financially. 

Knowing what comes along with owning our boat, our goal is to guide you as best we can. Our combined expertise in both boating and finances will help to guide you through implementing an effective boat ownership approach. We want you to feel secure in your finances, as well as your boating decisions, so you can have a more enjoyable time on the water. Like any investment, boat ownership comes with risks and rewards. From experience, we’ll help you to ask the important questions, get the right answers, and ultimately make the best decisions.